Geotechnical and Geophysical Monitoring



The need for a continuous geological exploration, as well as the need to constrain a work to the ground, to employ soils and rocks as construction materials or, more generally, to study the stability of the territory, requires the acquisition of a large amount of physical parameters that allow the implementation of accurate and specific monitoring activities. With the aim to ensure the individual’s and environmental safety, HPSYSTEM.IT has developed, over the years, a wide catalog of products and functional systems functional to geotechnical and geophysical monitoring. The range includes instruments, manual or fully automated, able to acquire, process, transmit and return in real time the collected data, with the possibility of remote management, control and maintenance and with different optional warning systems which automatically send out alarms via certified email and SMS to the service responsible, in case of system failure. HPSYSTEM.IT develops complete monitoring solutions, hardware and software, for each operating environment, both on land and underwater, able to play a crucial role in risk management in relation to real-time diagnostics and to the planning stages of interventions.

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